Blowing circuits

Today two parents visited us with their two ‘disabled’ children.  One five, and the other three years old.  Both children had difficulty with movement and coordination, and ‘spoke’ in their own babble-language.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

I selected six out of our fifteen horses that I thought might be most suitable for working with these children.  Although I knew they would be gentle, I was surprised at their steadfastness as several times they had a child on either side of them, touching their bellies, hind legs and tails with jerky movements, squeals, and babble.

All six horses were at liberty – free to move away, and yet they stood seemingly still, except for the yawns, licking, and head bobbing.  Occasionally they stepped away to eliminate, and then returned to the children.

The parents mindfully followed their children – sometimes running after them as they weaved around and through the horses.  All the while, the horses were steadfast.

The rest of herd was standing at the gate – apparently interested and wanting to join in.  When the children seemed to have enough of being in the arena, we decided to take them into the paddock to visit the rest of the herd.

These horses behaved the same way as the six I selected. One of the children had a very IMG_4963lengthy ‘conversation’ with Opal, (the Welsh Mountain Pony), who seemed to be listening and understanding everything that was said.  She also stepped away to eliminate, and then returned to the children.

As we were making ourIMG_3072 way to the exit gate, Grace stepped forward and pressed her nose on the three-year-old’s neck.  Angel and Peri also closed in, and they all lowered their heads, and remained very still.

After an hour, the family said their good-byes and left.  There were no cathartic moments, and no apparent miracle healings.

DSC00670.JPGI facilitate multiple day programs, trainings, consecutive half day and full day programs with groups, and individual sessions with trauma clients, and nothing wipes me out like a healing session with horses. They seem to shift into another operating mode – which is mostly undetectable by us humans.  They ‘turn up’ the frequency, and blast energy blocks in our bodies, moving and drawing out discordant energy.  Anything and everything in their collective energy field is affected.

Today they blew my circuits!  I almost feel like I have been nuked!  I hope the parents made it home safely and are able to recover from their high frequency immersion!  I look forward to hearing what changes if any, their children have had.  Bless them.







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