Play Day with the Horses

To celebrate the importance of play and its power to heal and rejuvenate, we are inviting you to join us to come and play with the horses!



A time for healing

On December 16, 2014 we lost our beloved DJ.  During our time with him, his powerful presence and energy sustained us, protected us, and held space for us as we supported others.  His departure has created disturbances at many levels as we all processed our loss and navigated through the change.  DJ’s mares joined the herd, and through several weeks of chaos and confusion, acceptance and peace, if not yet order, has begun to emerge.
Play energises us and enlivens us.  It eases our burdens.  It renews our natural sense of optimism and opens us up to new possibilities.”  ~ Stuart Brown, MD., Contemporary American Psychiatrist

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHorses love to play.  In horse play, many of the ‘social rules’ are suspended and everyone is equal.  Young horses can chase the older ones, horses lower in the hierarchy can ‘play-challenge’ ones higher up.  Not only do they get a chance to develop new competencies, and be in different roles, they learn what it is like from the perspective of another.  This fosters empathy.  When humans join in the play, a ‘cross-species’ empathy arises.  In a time where barriers are dissolving, and recognition of others as sentient beings is emerging we can all be uplifted.

Play fosters belonging and encourages cooperation.” ~ Stuart Brown, MD., Contemporary American Psychiatrist

Come and play with the horses for mutual and collective healing, connection and rejuvenation.

What will we be doing?

Play3We will be playing games with the horses, tapping into our creativity, and developing our own skills of cooperation, empathy, and leadership.

The spirit of play is joyful, fun, creative, and respectful.  While we will have rules for safety and to make the games a little challenging, there is no right or wrPlay4ong.  We play, not to compete, and we recognise that everyone matters; everyone belongs.

As the horses sense our joyfulness, they join in and playfully challenge us,  inviting us to connect with them – as equals.


A contribution of $50 would be appreciated to help with the substantial medical bills for DJ’s operation.

For safety reasons, this event is only suitable for adults.

Date:  Saturday February 7, 2015
Time:  10:00 – 1:00
Location:  Free Rein Australia
BYO:  Water bottle, travel mug (for hot drinks) and a small snack / plate to share

We will provide refreshments (tea and coffee), and a light snack.


Please confirm your attendance.  We need to know if you are coming so we can plan the event to accommodate the number of people.

Contact us:

Cindy 0411 593 369




Information Night on PTSD, Stress and Trauma

Learn how to naturally release stress,
heal trauma, & restore balance


Thursday, November 20, 2014 7pm – 9pm
Spring Creek Community House, 14 Price Street Torquay
Free admittance / registration required

“Trauma is the most avoided, ignored, denied, misunderstood, and
untreated cause of human suffering.” ~ Peter Levine, Ph.D. Healing Trauma

You will learn:

  • About trauma and how it affects the body
  • What causes post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • What are the symptoms of trauma
  • What nature can teach us about releasing stress
  • How we are innately designed to recover from trauma
  • How working with the body to release trauma enhances cognitive-based therapies
  • About two internationally effective approaches to healing trauma naturally
  • What steps you can take to release stress, heal trauma, and restore vitality and balance

Tension and Trauma Release Exercises

TRE is a profound self-help process that activates the body’s innate tremor mechanism, enabling a gentle release of chronic tension, stress or trauma (including PTSD) and helping regulate the nervous system to a calmer, balanced state.

In a safe, controlled way you will learn to self-regulate your experience.  TRE does not require talking about, or recalling past events.  Once learnt, TRE is your valuable, free, and easily accessible way to release the accumulated stresses of daily life and unresolved trauma on an on-going basis.

Somatic Experiencing® (SE)

SE develops and utilises the awareness of sensations in the body to help people re-negotiate and alleviate the physical, emotional and physiological effects of PTSD and other stress and trauma-related health problems – without re-living the event.

While gently guiding and pacing the process so you can safely assimilate the changes within your nervous system without overwhelm, SE can help restore a sense of aliveness, relaxation and wholeness in the aftermath of trauma or after periods of chronic stress.


Wendy Leitmanis, TRE Level 1 Trainer, and Cindy Jacobs of Free Rein Australia share their collective expertise and these approaches to healing trauma.  Wendy and Cindy offer individual sessions of TRE and SE respectively, and will be combining their expertise to offer 6-week programs (1 x 2-hour session each consecutive week).